Monday, January 17, 2011

Rise Above

While curling up last night and reading more of my new book, Eat, Pray, Love I came across something so meaningful and empowering to me right now.  Gilbert explains that there is a notion in Yoga where Yogis point to mistaken identity as the reason for the human mind's inability to sustain contentment and feel a calm.

         We're miserable because we think that we are mere individuals, alone with our fears and flaws and resentments and mortality.  We wrongly believe that our limited little egos constitute our whole
         entire nature.  We have failed to recognize our deeper divine character.  We don't realize that 
         somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme Self who is eternally at peace.  That supreme
         Self is our true identity, universal and divine.  

I love that idea and take real comfort in knowing that If I try hard enough, I can truly transcend the worry and the fear and find my inner calm.  However hard it is to imagine that somewhere inside me resides a small but powerful fragment that is eternally at peace, it is extraordinarily comforting and empowering.  

So this is where my head has been this morning as I prepare for the appointment.  T minus one hour and fifteen minutes right now.  I have been counting down the minutes like I'm anxiously awaiting the launch of a rocket at Kennedy Space Center!

Now if any of you are like me, you enjoy a generous dose of useless reality television.  My personal line-up is spearheaded by The Real Housewives series, lightened by some entertaining but heart wrenching Giuliana and Bill, and spiced up with those crazy ass Kardashians!  (Please don't think any less of me, I beg of you!)  Trash, I know.  But, as I found today, you never know when their brilliance will actually strike and make a lasting impact on you.  

For instance, this morning, while in the shower, I kept hearing the lyrics to an Atlanta housewife's song "Rise Above".  Now I know no more lyrics than "I rise above", but these three words made all the difference in me today as I sought that inner peace with warm water running over the very body that is about to undergo a great deal of scrutiny.  I feel it is my mantra for the day.  

I rise above

I like that.  Now let's just hope that my egg's theme song isn't the other Real Housewives hit, Tardy for the Party!  That would be terrible!

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Rise Above

While curling up last night and reading more of my new book, Eat, Pray, Love I came across something so meaningful and empowering to me right now.  Gilbert explains that there is a notion in Yoga where Yogis point to mistaken identity as the reason for the human mind's inability to sustain contentment and feel a calm.

         We're miserable because we think that we are mere individuals, alone with our fears and flaws and resentments and mortality.  We wrongly believe that our limited little egos constitute our whole
         entire nature.  We have failed to recognize our deeper divine character.  We don't realize that 
         somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme Self who is eternally at peace.  That supreme
         Self is our true identity, universal and divine.  

I love that idea and take real comfort in knowing that If I try hard enough, I can truly transcend the worry and the fear and find my inner calm.  However hard it is to imagine that somewhere inside me resides a small but powerful fragment that is eternally at peace, it is extraordinarily comforting and empowering.  

So this is where my head has been this morning as I prepare for the appointment.  T minus one hour and fifteen minutes right now.  I have been counting down the minutes like I'm anxiously awaiting the launch of a rocket at Kennedy Space Center!

Now if any of you are like me, you enjoy a generous dose of useless reality television.  My personal line-up is spearheaded by The Real Housewives series, lightened by some entertaining but heart wrenching Giuliana and Bill, and spiced up with those crazy ass Kardashians!  (Please don't think any less of me, I beg of you!)  Trash, I know.  But, as I found today, you never know when their brilliance will actually strike and make a lasting impact on you.  

For instance, this morning, while in the shower, I kept hearing the lyrics to an Atlanta housewife's song "Rise Above".  Now I know no more lyrics than "I rise above", but these three words made all the difference in me today as I sought that inner peace with warm water running over the very body that is about to undergo a great deal of scrutiny.  I feel it is my mantra for the day.  

I rise above

I like that.  Now let's just hope that my egg's theme song isn't the other Real Housewives hit, Tardy for the Party!  That would be terrible!

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