(First off, apologies for the few typos in my last post. My fault for posting prematurely and running off to a movie! They have since been corrected and ideas elaborated on a bit more.)
And now, to talk of prohibition. Personal prohibition, that is, completely self induced. It may be the only thing that makes me question our method of trying to conceive vs. the relaxed version where people do what they want and assume it will happen when it happens. How lucky for them! That does not work for me. However, I do wonder if some of the dietary changes I make, specifically in the two week wait, are intelligent choices or naive absurdities.
Here I sit, getting ready for another night out with friends. I am very much looking forward to this night. It is a wonderful restaurant and with the anticipated company, it is sure to be a fun and comfortable night. But then I start thinking about the food. When I find out the restaurant is known for their amazing burgers, my mouth starts watering and I picture a rare, pink, juicy burger to sink my teeth into. I dream of topping that burger with soft, gorgonzola cheese and washing it all down with a rich, winter lager. The dinner in my mind is incredible--scrumptious, really.
But wait, I'm not suppose to eat red meat unless it is organic and, by all means, well done. (At the sound of well-done, I imagine myself spitting out the food of my food fantasy.) And soft cheese? Forget it - not for the possibly pregnant. And a drink? This is the ultimate catch 22 of TTCing. I have heard time and time again that by no means should you drink. "If you really want to achieve pregnancy, I would recommend cutting out all alcohol," my doctor advises. Not that I drink often at all, but when I want a glass of wine with dinner or a beer with my burger, I want it . . . now. Besides, wouldn't that help relax my uptight ass?
I suppose I will have to embrace this period of prohibition, even though it is incredibly difficult. Still, it would be a lot easier to stomach if there was ever a positive result for my efforts. Up to this point, every month points to a big, fat negative. I really have no idea if I should even be subscribing to any of these dietary restrictions, abstaining from the very things that relax me the most--good food and an occasional drink. Really, it is also the prohibitive nature of these very things that make me crave them that much more. It will be a good night, but I will be craving all that I all of a sudden can't have. Eat and drink well for me tonight!
1 day ago
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